human design spirit

Deconditioning with Human Design: Finding Joy, Alignment and Peace by Connecting with Your True Self

What is Human Design?

Human design is a personal development tool that helps you awaken to who you truly are, beyond the veil of conditioning. It shows you how your energy functions in the world and it’s a way to learn how to operate from your inner strategy and authority versus from the conditioned mind. 

The Human Design System is a combination of the Chinese I-Ching which is three thousand years old, the Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra system, and astrology. It was created by Ra Uru Hu in 1987 following a mystical experience he had while in Ibiza, Spain. 

To obtain your human design chart, you need your date, time and place of your birth. You can visit Genetic Matrix website to create your free chart. I also offer 1:1 Human Design Readings and personalized Human Design Reports as well. Click here to book a reading with me.

My Dream Led me to Human Design

About a year ago, I was led to human design through a dream. I was always fascinated by my extremely vivid dreams and how we can obtain information to help us heal and find out our deepest fears and lessons we can learn in our spiritual journey.

In my dream I heard the number, twenty-three point three (23.3). I woke up puzzled thinking what in the world does this number mean – it did not make sense to me at all. I thought it could be a date written in European way like 23rd of March or perhaps the year 2023. So I kept researching until I came to I-Ching and the 64 gates, and then I found human design. 

I was already an astrology enthusiast and knew about the Hindu Chakra System for many years, but Human Design deeply intrigued me. So I ran my chart for the first time and found out that I have a conscious Chiron gate in 23.3. It was one of those moments where I felt like this gut feeling of synchronicity that lit up my body’s excitement and blew my mind at the same time. That moment is forever imprinted in my memory. And what’s more interesting is that the interpretation of the gate theme was scarily true. I felt goosebumps. How could this have so much truth to it?!

For those of you who don’t know, Chiron is the wounded healer archetype in astrology. It’s a core wound that you carry in this lifetime and its lessons are to heal. Once you heal your Chiron wound, essentially you can help others heal as well. This is also a generational aspect.

So if you’re interested in learning more about your chart and don’t know where to start, create a free human design chart and focus on your Chiron. Focus and read up on that gate theme and see what resonates. I also do include the conscious Chiron gate in my Human Design Report and in the Human Design Reading. If you book a reading, the Human Design Report (valued at $77) is included with your reading.

 Human Design Type:

Learning about my human design type has been the most impactful. I’m a generator and I have a lot of energy. I get easily excited about many things that bring me joy. 

For generators, our strategy is to wait to respond. What that means is that we’re not meant to initiate something from the top of our heads but wait to be asked and respond to an external call by listening to our gut sounds: “uh-huh” for Yes; “Uhn-uhn” for No.

Wisdom lies within our bodies but we’ve allowed our mind to rule our lives. And our mind is open to conditioning from our environment. Generators are builders of life and most (about 70%) of our society is comprised of generators. When generators do the work they love and enjoy, time simply vanishes and they have endless energy in the sacral to work and master their work. 


Profile is how you experience the world. It’s the role you play in your relationships, work, love and how you apply yourself in all aspects of life. My profile is a 3/6. I know I am here to experience the world through adventure, learning, trial and error – and in that trial and error, there are no mistakes, only lessons. It’s not simple for me to learn through others. If something lights me up, I must try it to experience it for myself.

Defined vs. Undefined Centers:

Human design can be super overwhelming and confusing at first, but if you only focus on understanding your strategy, type, profile and your defined centers, that is all you need to know, and understand first. Then you can  practice and experiment embodying it on a daily basis. 

Human Design system is comprised of 9 energy centers. Your defined or colored centers are your consistent energy sources that you operate from. Your undefined or white/not colored energy centers are places where you may be trying to be “like” someone else to try to fill a lack, or where you may be conditioned by the society and your upbringing. 

It’s also a place where your “not self” can come in, but you can use it as a signal that you are out of alignment from your true self. Your not-self theme is different based on your type.

Not-self Themes:

  • Generators: Frustration
  • Manifestors: Anger
  • Manifesting Generators: Anger and Frustration
  • Projectors: Bitterness
  • Reflectors: Disappointment

So after studying my defined energy centers it became more clear to me that my strengths were what I thought were my weaknesses. My entire life I thought if I expressed my full self, my excitement, my animated and goofy parts, my deep desire to always find the truth and root cause of all problems I encountered, that I would be too much for others and essentially it all boils down to wanting to blend in and be accepted.

But when we keep ourselves small, and we hide our true selves in the shadows, we subconsciously feel we are not OK the way we are, that we are not good enough, that has a HUGE impact on your energy. It can drag you down. It can make you feel tired, exhausted, sad, depressed because you are not living in alignment with your true self: your soul. You are living in the mind – foretold by people before us who tried to protect us to keep us on a safe path. But deep down you know there is something more to life than following a pre-set pattern or destiny. We have this thing called free will to make the choices that light us up. 

And for the first time in my personal development and spiritual growth journey, I felt seen and I felt that I am not too much. If I operate from my sacral, fired-up, spicy self, 🙂 I will feel complete joy, happiness and peace, in those moments when I’m fully aligned with my physical and spiritual self – when I’m living authentically and showing up with my energy tuned up to who I am, there’s no place I’d rather be. And I attract people who need and love that energy. All those people who did not align with me, simply fall away. It’s perfect. Universe shifting our lives around based on our energetic signature and the frequency we transmit. It’s pure magic.

Read more about my experience with Human Design on the Quantum Human Alignment website.

To book a Human Design 1:1 session with me or to request a personalized Human Design Report, click on the button below.

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